What types of aesthetic injections are available?

There are several types of aesthetic injections available, including dermal fillers, such as hyaluronic acid fillers (Restylane & Versa,) collagen stimulators Sculptra, Radiesse & Threads) and neurotoxins like Xeomin, Botox & Dysport.

What are the benefits of aesthetic injections?

Aesthetic injections can provide numerous benefits, such as reducing the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines, adding volume to the face, enhancing facial contours, improving skin texture, and restoring a more youthful appearance.

Can aesthetic injections be performed in combination with facelift surgery?

Yes, aesthetic injections can be combined with facelift surgery

How long do the results of aesthetic injections last?

The duration of the results varies depending on the type of injection used. Generally, the effects of dermal fillers last from 6 to 18 months, while Botox typically lasts around 3 to 6 months.

Are aesthetic injections safe?

When performed by a qualified and experienced provider, aesthetic injections are considered safe. However, it's important to choose a reputable provider and follow all post-treatment instructions for optimal safety.

What is the recovery process like after aesthetic injections?

The recovery process is usually minimal, with most patients able to resume their normal activities immediately after treatment. However, it's common to experience some swelling, redness, or bruising at the injection site, which usually subsides within a few days.

Are there any potential risks or complications associated with aesthetic injections?

While complications are rare, possible risks include infection, allergic reactions, bruising, asymmetry, and lumps or bumps at the injection site. It's crucial to disclose your medical history and any allergies to your provider before undergoing treatment.

How long does an aesthetic injection procedure take?

The duration of the procedure depends on the type and extent of the treatment. In general, aesthetic injections can be completed in a matter of minutes to an hour.

Does the injection process hurt?

Most aesthetic injections involve minimal discomfort, as providers often use a numbing cream to ensure a more comfortable experience. Additionally, we provide local anesthetic (dental block) for all of our lip filler patients to ensure minimal pain.

How soon will I see results after an aesthetic injection?

Results are typically visible immediately after the injection, although there may be some initial swelling or redness that subsides within a few days. The full effects of the treatment usually become apparent within a week or two.

Can aesthetic injections be used to treat other areas of the body?

Yes, aesthetic injections can be used to enhance other areas of the body, such as the hands, neck, and décolletage, to address concerns like volume loss and wrinkles.

Are aesthetic injections suitable for all skin types?

Yes, aesthetic injections are suitable for all skin types. However, it's important to consult with a qualified provider who can assess your individual needs and determine the most appropriate treatment plan for you.

How often do I need to get aesthetic injections to maintain the results?

The frequency of touch-up treatments varies depending on the type of injection used and individual factors. Generally, dermal fillers may require maintenance every 6 to 18 months, while Botox treatments are typically repeated every 3 to 6 months.

Can aesthetic injections be combined with other cosmetic procedures?

Yes, aesthetic injections can be combined with other cosmetic procedures to achieve more comprehensive results. Your provider can recommend the best treatment plan based on your goals and desired outcomes.

Are there any age restrictions for receiving aesthetic injections?

We treat individuals who are 18 years or older. However, the suitability of the treatment depends on individual factors, and a consultation with a provider is necessary to determine eligibility.

How do I choose a qualified aesthetic injection provider?

When selecting an aesthetic injection provider, it's important to consider their qualifications, experience, reputation, and before-and-after photos of their previous work. It's also recommended to read reviews and seek recommendations from trusted sources.

What should I discuss with my provider before getting aesthetic injections?

Before undergoing aesthetic injections, it's crucial to discuss your medical history, any allergies, past cosmetic procedures, current medications, and expectations with your provider. This ensures they can create a personalized treatment plan and address any potential risks or concerns.

How much do aesthetic injections cost?

The cost of aesthetic injections varies depending on several factors, including the type of injection and amount required. However, below are a list of prices with our most popular treatments

  1. Neurotoxins like Botox and Dysport: $3.66-$10 per unit.
  2. Dermal Fillers: $425-$610 per syringe.
  3. Threads: $25-$75 per thread.
  4. Micro-needling: $200 per treatment.
  5. Chemical Peels: $150-$200 per treatment.
  6. PRF/Organic Filler: $199 per treatment.
  7. PRF Hair Restoration: $250-$350 per treatment.

Are aesthetic injections covered by insurance?

In most cases, aesthetic injections are considered elective cosmetic procedures and are not covered by insurance.

Can men receive aesthetic injections?

Absolutely! Aesthetic injections are not limited to women and are increasingly popular among men. Men can benefit from these treatments to address concerns such as wrinkles, volume loss, and facial asymmetry.

Are there any pre-treatment instructions I should follow?

Your provider will provide you with specific pre-treatment instructions. However, common guidelines include avoiding blood-thinning medications (unless prescribed by your doctor), alcohol, and strenuous exercise before the procedure.

Can I wear makeup after receiving aesthetic injections?

It's generally recommended to avoid applying makeup for the first 24 hours after treatment to allow the injection sites to heal properly. However, your provider will provide specific instructions regarding makeup use based on your individual treatment.

Can I exercise after receiving aesthetic injections?

It's generally best to avoid strenuous exercise for the first 24 to 48 hours after receiving aesthetic injections to minimize swelling and bruising. However, light activities are usually permitted.

Can I sunbathe or use tanning beds after receiving aesthetic injections?

It's generally recommended to avoid excessive sun exposure and tanning beds after receiving aesthetic injections, as they can increase the risk of complications and affect the longevity of the results. It's best to consult with your provider for specific guidelines.

Can I undergo aesthetic injections while pregnant or breastfeeding?

As a precautionary measure, aesthetic injections are generally not recommended during pregnancy or while breastfeeding.

Are there any long-term side effects of aesthetic injections?

Long-term side effects from aesthetic injections are extremely rare. However, it's important to choose a qualified provider, follow post-treatment instructions, and report any unusual symptoms to ensure optimal safety and minimize potential risks.

How can I minimize bruising after aesthetic injections?

To minimize bruising after aesthetic injections, it's recommended to avoid blood-thinning medications, alcohol, and strenuous exercise prior to the treatment. Applying ice packs to the injection site and avoiding touching or rubbing the area can also help reduce bruising. Our recommendation is to use Arnica pre and post treatment for 5 days.

Can aesthetic injections be reversed if I'm unhappy with the results?

In some cases, aesthetic injections can be partially reversed using an enzyme called hyaluronidase. This enzyme can dissolve hyaluronic acid fillers, providing a solution if you're unhappy with the results. However, it's best to consult with your provider for personalized advice.

Will I look overdone or unnatural after receiving aesthetic injections?

With the expertise of a skilled provider, aesthetic injections can provide natural-looking results that enhance your features rather than making you look overdone. It's essential to choose a qualified and experienced provider to ensure optimal outcomes.

Can aesthetic injections treat acne scars or other skin imperfections?

Yes, certain types of aesthetic injections, such as dermal fillers, can be used to improve the appearance of acne scars and other skin imperfections. Your provider can assess your specific concerns and recommend the most suitable treatment options.

Can aesthetic injections be used for lip augmentation?

Yes, lip augmentation is a popular use for aesthetic injections. Dermal fillers can be used to add volume, enhance lip shape, and improve symmetry, providing natural-looking results.

Are there any lifestyle changes I should make before or after receiving aesthetic injections?

In general, it's beneficial to maintain a healthy lifestyle before and after receiving aesthetic injections. This includes following a balanced diet, staying hydrated, avoiding excessive sun exposure, and practicing a good skincare routine.

How long does it take to see the final results of lip fillers?

While some immediate results are visible after lip filler injections, it may take a few days for any swelling or bruising to subside completely. The final results are typically apparent within a week or two.

Can I get aesthetic injections if I have a history of allergies?

If you have a history of allergies, it's important to inform your provider before receiving aesthetic injections. They can determine the most appropriate treatment options and take necessary precautions to minimize the risk of allergic reactions.

Can aesthetic injections be used to reduce the appearance of under-eye bags or dark circles?

Yes, aesthetic injections can be used to reduce the appearance of under-eye bags or dark circles. We recommend PRF/Organic filler for tear trough treatment as a natural treatment.

What should I do if I experience any complications or side effects after receiving aesthetic injections?

If you experience any complications or side effects after receiving aesthetic injections, it's crucial to contact your provider immediately. They can assess your symptoms and provide appropriate guidance or treatment if necessary.

Can Botox be used to treat migraines?

Botox can be used to treat migraines. It is an FDA-approved treatment option for chronic migraines in adults. Botox injections are administered to specific areas of the head and neck to prevent migraines and reduce their frequency and severity.

Can Botox be used to treat TMJ disorders?

Yes, Botox can be used to treat TMJ (temporomandibular joint) disorders. It can help relieve the symptoms of TMJ, such as jaw pain, headaches, and teeth grinding. Botox injections are applied to the muscles responsible for causing the TMJ symptoms, relaxing them and providing relief.

Can Botox be used to lift the eyebrows?

Botox can be used to lift the eyebrows. When injected strategically into the brow area, Botox can relax the muscles that pull the eyebrows downward, resulting in a subtle lift and a more youthful appearance.

Can Botox be used to reduce the appearance of a gummy smile?

Yes, Botox can be used to reduce the appearance of a gummy smile. By injecting Botox into the upper lip muscles, it can relax the muscles that cause the upper lip to rise excessively when smiling, reducing the visibility of the gums, generally needing between 4-12 units.

Can Botox be used to soften the appearance of neck bands?

Botox can be used to soften the appearance of neck bands. The injections are targeted at the platysma muscle, which becomes more prominent with age, causing the appearance of vertical bands in the neck. Botox helps relax the muscle, resulting in a smoother neck appearance.

Can Botox be used to treat fine lines and wrinkles on the hands?

While Botox is commonly used to treat fine lines and wrinkles on the face, it is not typically used on the hands. Other treatments, such as dermal fillers or laser therapy, may be more effective in addressing fine lines and wrinkles on the hands.

Can Botox be used to treat a downturned mouth?

Yes, Botox can be used to treat a downturned mouth. By injecting Botox into the muscles around the mouth, it can help relax the muscles that pull the corners of the mouth downward, resulting in a more lifted and youthful appearance.

What is the difference between a neuromodulator and a filler?

The main difference between a neuromodulator (such as Botox) and a filler is their mechanism of action. Neuromodulators, like Botox, work by temporarily relaxing or paralyzing muscles. They are used to treat dynamic wrinkles caused by muscle movement. Fillers, on the other hand, are substances injected into the skin to add volume, fill in wrinkles, and enhance facial contours. They are often used to address static wrinkles and age-related volume loss.

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“Rebekkah is really knowledgeable and helped me understand the best treatment for natural cheek enhancement. I absolutely love the results, and I would highly recommend her! I got Sculptra done for a natural cheek enhancement, rather than fillers.”
– Diana Kohanzad


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